We Love Growing and Lacing!

Boo and Midnight have been doing a lot of gardening lately. They're taking advantage of the nice winter weather that feels like spring and getting everything ready for transplants once the seedlings are big enough. Boo has been making sure all the pots are the correct size and ready for plants. Boo says to be a great gardener you must become one with the garden. She's been napping in the pots to size them up. Boo planted some currants and hopes to make some jam one day. Boo's Organic Red Currant Jam, purrfect for catnip tea and crumpets!Midnight has been tending to the seedlings and up-potted the violas and lemon balm. She thought about eating them, but was stopped before her first bite. The artichokes are getting big, as are the tomatillo and the tomato plants! Midnight started two tomatillo seeds, but only one of them sprouted, but that’s ok because she can take a branch and clone it. Some plants need to be grown in pairs, and tomatillos are one of them. So are tomatoes and artichokes. Boo is a little concerned there may not be enough pot for all the plants, but she'll make it work.

Pooh Bierre has been asking for more greens and decided to hang some wall planters near his bed with the Cat Grass blend from Renee’s Garden. He didn’t let the grass grow though and kept nibbling on it every chance he got. Boo also wanted more greens and finally got fed up waiting for Pooh Bierre’s grass to grow and are her own outside. That one grew faster and kept Pooh Bierre distracted enough for his grass to grow.

There's a new vacuum! Oh no! The kitties thought they had killed the previous vacuum when they poked a hole in the hose with their claws, but a new one has arrived! The kitties dont really care for the vacuum and Boo tried to hide from the new vacuum in the box for the new vacuum, it didn’t work and the vacuum found her. We vacummed around Boo, and everyone else hid under the bed. The vacuum doesn't entirely fit under the bed and from that vantage point they could watch it's comings and goings.

Finished the Pink Cat Bookmark! You can watch the progress from start to finish on our YouTube channel here. Now we’re working on a Sooty Cat piece! We haven’t made one in a long while and kinda forgot how to make it. We’ve gotten to the head and then realized we didn’t do it right. So we’re gonna undo the work that’s done and redo it correctly. Same thing happened on the thistle piece, made a big mistake and now have to go take it out. No biggie, we learn how to lace by taking out the lace.

There are lots of kitties at the Shelter! We haven’t been over to visit them but we know they are there. Addie is still available for adoption, and she has furriends available for adoption too!