We're getting our paws dirty!
Cat Lovers Collection from: Botanical Interests |
Most of March has been spent getting the catio garden ready and napping. Lots of naps. Midnight and Boo gathered all the pots they could find because we started a lot of seeds. Suprisingly all but one sprouted and grew, so they all needed a pot to grow in.
We moved most of the plants started in January from the tent to outside. They hung out in the catio for a few days then moved into the sun.Frosta is going to monitor the weather in case a freeze comes and we have to move the plants back inside.

The tomatoes are still hanging out in the catio until they're up potted. They aren't very fond of the wind and need their support system to stand tall. Boo suggested we wait until April to put the tomatoes into the sun, so we'll wait. The cats have been rearranging the pots in the garden to maximize the number of napping spots. And easy access to the veggies in case any unwanted diners appear and need to be shooed away.
We have our first bloom! It's from the borage plant that survived the winter and saved it's bloom until spring. And the Spanish Lavender is getting ready to bloom, the other plants are still growing.

Midnight got her head stuck in the handle of a paper bag. She may have been trying to fit her whole body through, but it just ended up being a cape she couldn't get out of. She got it off eventually,and she still likes playing with paper bags.

The Sooty Cat is finished! It's been so long since one of them has been made that we forgot how to make it. Lots of doing and undoing but it got done and now it's time to start another one! The second thistle is almost finsihed but it too had many mistakes that needed to be undone and the pattern reworked correctly. Now that it's back on track it's time to start looking for the project! Thinking about doing a Milanese Style Moon pattern, with beads!